オープンソースカンファレンス2019 Tokyo/Fall
2019-11-23 (土)   10時00分

オープンソースを推し広めるマグル - コミュニティイベントやオープンソースプロジェクトへの参加を他の方に勧める。


講師:Hsu Ying Hsin
対象者:For anyone interested in freedom and open source


Anyone can be a part of the open source world. The normal people who don't coding could promote Open Source projects or campaigns. We can do my best and help others to join. People will know what is Open Source and its spirit by the public relation plan or the other projects.
A how-to guide by volunteer experience hope that could help anyone promoting open source.

Speaker bio:

A promoter who can't coding but using marketing and PR skill to promote open source spirit. I also had more than 10 years volunteer experience for the open source events.
